Room for You, A Benefit Compilation by Funnybone Records

On September 15th, the label's three-year anniversary, Funnybone Records will release a benefit compilation featuring artists on and outside of the Funnybone roster, formerly unreleased tracks, and new tracks made exclusively for this compilation.

Written by Dylan Healy
Artwork by Hayden Wright and Dylan Healy
Released by Funnybone Records

This year, a pandemic has us confined to our own homes for each other's safety. In parallel, a human rights movement reevaluates what safety means and who's defining it. We turn to our community of labels, artists, venues, and journalists as role models. Now more than ever, we see as much to celebrate as we see room to grow, as we see room to make for others. Room for You is an outcome to this ongoing objective: space for artists to share their headroom in times of isolation, unrest and pursuit of change. This album is out everywhere September 15th, the three-year anniversary since our first release.

Room for You is a benefit compilation featuring 24 tracks by artists on and outside of the Funnybone roster, including Mal Devisa, Lady Lamb, Zanders, Bebé Machete, .k (of Jelani Sei), Crag Mask, Laura Wolf, Chad Browne-Springer, Pearl Sugar, Greetings... and more. The majority of the tracks on this compilation were formerly unreleased or have been created exclusively for it. We're humbled to also feature the debut of new projects, rare collaborations, unearthed gems and top-of-your-lungs anthems.

Our goal is to raise $5,000. Proceeds from this release will be going to our hometown heroes at Kamora’s Cultural Corner and their effort to create Brave Spaces within Hartford's marginalized communities, as well as to the Loveland’s Therapy Fund for Black Women and Girls, the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network, and between the contributing artists.

Pre-orders launch September 4th on our Bandcamp. Being one of Bandcamp's generous fee-waiving days, we're hoping to raise the majority of our 5k goal on this day. We hope you'll consider supporting this project!

Learn more about Funnybone Records through their website.


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